
- February Calendar -
- - - - 01 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM02 Groudhog Day
- 05 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM06 Coffee Club 9 AM - 08 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM -
- 12 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM13 Coffee Club 9 AM14 Happy Valentins Day!15 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM16 Valentine Luncheon in Rec Room 2-4 PM
18 Presidents' Day 19 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM20 Coffee Club 9 AM21 Birthday Party for February 1:30 PM22 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM -
- 26 Knock Bingo 6:30 PM27 Coffee Club 9 AM28 Country Music Band 1-3 PM - -


  • Feb 16 - Valentines Luncheon in the Rec Room 2-4 PM
  • Feb 21 - February Birthday Celebration in the Rec Room 1:30 PM
  • Feb 28 - Cony Flatiron Country Band - Auditorium 3rd Floor 1-3 PM


  1. A birthday celebration is held once a month for all residents with
    birthdays in a given month. Everyony is welcome to attend. There is no set
    date. It is always in the rec room about 1:00 or 1:30pm usually between the
    middle and end of the month. Brenda makes the cake and Charlotte helps setup
    the the event.

  2. Clean empty returnable bottles may be taken to the closet at the back of
    the rec room. From there, some of the men return them and give the money to
    Judy to help pay for the dinners.

  3. Don't forget to move your cars for the snow plows as needed!